Camera ====== The ``Camera`` class defines how images should be rendered from a camera in the world model. Note that the ``Camera`` class does not by itself add a camera to the MuJoCo model — the camera must have already existed and can be referenced by its name. The camera can be added in two ways: 1. By adding a camera to the MuJoCo model file. Refer to the `section on camera `_ in the MuJoCo XML reference for more information. As an example, the following XML code adds a tracking camera to the MuJoCo model: .. code-block:: xml 2. By calling ``.worldbody.add()`` on the root element of the MuJoCo model programmatically in Python. Practically, this can be done by extending an existing FlyGym Arena class and adding the camera in the ``__init__`` method. For example, the following code adds a stationary bird's eye camera to the MuJoCo model: .. code-block:: python3 from flygym.arena import BaseArena class MyArena(BaseArena): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.birdeye_cam = self.root_element.worldbody.add( "camera", name="birdseye_cam", mode="fixed", pos=(20, 0, 20), euler=(0, 0, 0), fovy=60, ) # ... other things ... Once the camera is added to the MuJoCo model, it can be referenced by its name to initialize the ``Camera`` object with additional parameters assigned to it. These can include: rendering rate in frames-per-second (FPS), window size, play speed, etc. Furthermore, the ``Camera`` class has useful methods such as ``.save_video``, ``.reset``, etc. Logics such as rotating the camera in tilted terrain are also implemented in the ``Camera`` class. The ``.render`` method is the main point of entry for fetching images from the camera. The full API reference of the ``Camera`` class is as follows: .. autoclass:: :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: