
You can contribute to this package through its GitHub Repository.

Code of conduct & licensing

Please respect the Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct. FlyGym is made open source under Apache License 2.0. By contributing to this package (including any issue, pull request, and discussion), you agree that your content will be shared under the same license.


FlyGym uses EffVer versioning system, which is based on the amount of effort that users are expected to spend to adopt the new version. The version number is in the format of X.Y.Z, where X is the macro version, Y is the meso version, and Z is the micro version. When a macro version is updated, it means that a large effort is required to adopt the new version. When a meso version is updated, it means that a some effort is required to adopt the new version. When a micro version is updated, it means that no effort is required at all (e.g. bug fixes or optimizations that are not exposed to the API).


  • main: The latest stable code. Every time this branch is updated (except documentation-only updates to the website), a new version should be pushed to PyPI.

  • dev-v[X.X.X] (where X.X.X is the next release): The latest development code. This branch is used for development and testing. Code should not be merged into this branch until all tests and style checks are passing. All PRs should be reviewed by a member of the core dev team (Sibo Wang-Chen, Victor Alfred Stimpfling, and Thomas Ka Chung Lam). When a new version is released, the dev-v[X.X.X] branch is merged into the main branch.

  • Other branches are for develop new features or fixing bugs. Please make your own fork for development (see the “Contributing to the codebase” section below).

Code style

Code: We use the Black Code Style (version 23.3.0). If you install FlyGym in the dev mode (pip install -e ."[dev]"), the Black formatter will be automatically installed. Please run black . --check in the root directory to check if your code is formatted correctly, or run black . to format all files. When you push your code, GitHub will check the code style and display a red X if it is not compliant — this prevents you from merging your code into the main branch. You can also integrate Black with your IDE. Comment lines should also be limited to 88 characters per line.


We use the NumPy Docstring Style. We use a line length limit of 75 characters for docstrings. Please stick with the NumPy style so the API reference can be generated automatically.

The source files (in RST) of the documentation website are located in the doc/source folder. The API reference is generated automatically using Sphinx. The documentation is written in reStructuredText (RST). When you merge a pull request into the main branch, the documentation is automatically built and deployed on If you want to check the documentation on a branch (that is not main) locally, you can run make html under the doc folder. The generated HTML files will be placed under doc/build/html. You can open doc/build/html/index.html in your browser to view the documentation.

API changes / migration guide

Important API changes, including in particular non backward compatible API changes, should be documented on the Change Log page (edit doc/source/changelog.rst).

Contributing to the codebase


The following content is adapted from the SLEAP Contributing Guide (BSD License).

  1. Install the package using the developer mode from the develop branch.

  2. Create a fork from the develop branch.

    • Either work on the develop branch or create a new branch (recommended if tackling multiple issues at a time).

    • If creating a branch, use your name followed by a relevant keyword for your changes, e.g.: git checkout -b john/some_issue

  3. Make some changes/additions to the source code that tackle the issue(s).

  4. Write tests.

    • You can either write tests before creating a draft pull request (PR), or submit draft PR (to get code coverage statistics via codecov) and then write tests to narrow down error prone lines.

    • Test(s) should aim to hit every point in the proposed change(s) - cover edge cases to best of your ability.

    • Try to hit code coverage points.

    • Add files, commit, and push to origin.

  5. Create a draft PR on Github.

    • Make sure the tests pass and code coverage is good.

  6. If either the tests or style checks fail, repeat steps 3-5.

  7. Once the draft PR looks good, convert to a finalized PR (hit the ready for review button).

    • IMPORTANT: Only convert to a finalized PR when you believe your changes are ready to be merged.

    • Optionally assign a reviewer on the right of the screen - otherwise a member of the developer team will self-assign themselves.

  8. If the reviewer requests changes, repeat steps 3-5 and re-request review.

  9. Once the reviewer signs off they will squash + merge the PR into the develop branch.

    • New features will be available on the main branch when a new version is released.