Encapsulating custom code into Gym environments: A turning controller


Authors: Victor Alfred Stimpfling, Sibo Wang-Chen

The code presented in this notebook has been simplified and restructured for display in a notebook format. A more complete and better structured implementation can be found in the examples folder of the FlyGym repository on GitHub.

This tutorial is available in .ipynb format in the notebooks folder of the FlyGym repository.

Summary: In this tutorial, we will demonstrate how one can build controllers at different levels of abstraction by implementing Gym environments encoding variable amounts of preprogrammed computation. As an example, we will refactor the code we wrote in the hybrid controller tutorial and implement turning by asymmetrically modulating the amplitude and frequency of CPGs.

Gym environments and MDP

So far, we have interacted with the NeuroMechFly class which implements the Gym interface: it has an action space (input given by the user), an observation space (output returned to the user), a .step(...) method, a .reset(...) method, and a .render(...) method. The action and observation spaces of NeuroMechFly are as follows:

  • Action space:

    • “joints”: 42-dimensional real vector ∈ [0, 2π] indicating joint angles (in default position control mode)

    • “adhesion”: 6-dimensional integer vector ∈ {0, 1} indicating whether adhesion is turned on for each leg

  • Observation space:

    • “joints”: shape (3, 42) real array indicating joint angles (0th row), velocities (1st row), and torques (2nd row)

    • “fly”: shape (4, 3) real array indicating fly xyz positions (0th row), xyz velocities (1st row), yaw-pitch-roll angles (2nd row), and yaw-pitch-roll velocities (3rd row)

    • “contact_forces”: shape (N, 3) - contact forces, in xyz directions, of the N segments defined in contact_sensor_placements

    • “end_effectors”: shape (6, 3) - xyz positions of the six legs in the order of LF, LM LH, RF, RM, RH

    • “fly_orientation”: shape (3,) - unit vector indicating the fly’s heading orientation

The FlyGym package is designed to be expandable: the user can implement their own Gym environments with different action and observation spaces and implement different logics (e.g. preprogrammed premotor computation and sensory processing). This is illustrated in the figure below:


In the hybrid controller that we have implemented, the underlying CPG network and the correction mechanisms can be considered the user-defined premotor computation (purple). The whole controller can be considered the box indicating the Markov Decision Process (MDP). Here, we will add a 2D descending signal that encodes turning. The action and observation spaces of our MDP “box” are as follows:

  • Action space: a 2-dimensional real vector describing the velocity on each side of the body. Although in principle the range of the amplitude is unrestricted, its absolute value shouldn’t go far beyond 1 because otherwise the steps become very unrealistic.

  • Observation space: same as above (no sensory processing logic indicated in cyan)

Approach for turning

We will use a 2-dimensional representation of descending signals \([\delta_L, \delta_R] \in \mathbb{R}^2\) to modulate the amplitude and direction of the leg CPGs on each side of the body. Specifically, we will modulate the intrinsic amplitude \(R'\) and intrinsic frequency \(\nu'\) on each side by:

\[R'(\delta) = |\delta|\]
\[\begin{split}\nu_i'(\delta) = \begin{cases} \nu_i & \text{if } \delta>0\\ -\nu_i & \text{otherwise} \end{cases}\end{split}\]

In other words, the magnitude of the descending signal controls the amplitude of stepping (as a gain applied to the originally recorded step size); the sign of the descending signal controls the direction of stepping. Of course, this is a very simplified model of turning. Perhaps the most unrealistic aspect of it is that it assumes that the step size spans linearly from 0 to 1x the recorded “real” step size. This is an area for future improvement.

Implementing the HybridTurningController class

A key idea of the Gym interface is that it allows users to encapsulate the control logic in a Gym environment (a MDP), and expose only the input and output (action and observation) to the controller. This is achieved using class inheritance in Python. Briefly, it allows a new class (subclass or child class) to inherit attributes and methods from an existing class (base class or parent class), enabling code reuse and the creation of hierarchical relationships between classes. Refer to the tutorial linked above to familiarize yourself with this concept.

All Gym environments inherit from the gymnasium.Env class. You can refer to the API reference of this class for a full specification, or this page for a tutorial on how to make your own custom environment. The NeuroMechFly class we have used so far inherits from it and therefore complies with its specifications. Here, we will build a HybridTurningController class that inherits from NeuroMechFly to provide a simplified interface to control turning via a 2D input space, which can be interpreted as a descending code.

First, let’s do the necessary imports and define the default parameter as before:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from tqdm import trange
from gymnasium import spaces
from gymnasium.utils.env_checker import check_env

from flygym import Fly, Camera, SingleFlySimulation
from flygym.examples.locomotion import PreprogrammedSteps, CPGNetwork

_tripod_phase_biases = np.pi * np.array(
        [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1],
        [1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0],
        [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1],
        [1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0],
        [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1],
        [1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0],
_tripod_coupling_weights = (_tripod_phase_biases > 0) * 10

_default_correction_vectors = {
    # "leg pos": (Coxa, Coxa_roll, Coxa_yaw, Femur, Femur_roll, Tibia, Tarsus1)
    # unit: radian
    "F": np.array([-0.03, 0, 0, -0.03, 0, 0.03, 0.03]),
    "M": np.array([-0.015, 0.001, 0.025, -0.02, 0, -0.02, 0.0]),
    "H": np.array([0, 0, 0, -0.02, 0, 0.01, -0.02]),

_default_correction_rates = {"retraction": (800, 700), "stumbling": (2200, 1800)}

Now, we will define the __init__ method of our HybridTurningController class. The complete, functional class definition can be found on our GitHub repository. You can import it with from flygym.examples.locomotion import HybridTurningController.

We start with initializing the parent class by calling super().__init__(...). This basically calls the __init__ logic of the parent NeuroMechFly class using the specified parameters:

class HybridTurningController(NeuroMechFly):
    def __init__(
        fly: Fly,
        intrinsic_freqs=np.ones(6) * 12,
        intrinsic_amps=np.ones(6) * 1,
        convergence_coefs=np.ones(6) * 20,
        stumble_segments=("Tibia", "Tarsus1", "Tarsus2"),
        amplitude_range=(-0.5, 1.5),
        # Initialize core NMF simulation


We can save the arguments as class attributes:


if preprogrammed_steps is None:
    preprogrammed_steps = PreprogrammedSteps()
self.preprogrammed_steps = preprogrammed_steps
self.intrinsic_freqs = intrinsic_freqs
self.intrinsic_amps = intrinsic_amps
self.phase_biases = phase_biases
self.coupling_weights = coupling_weights
self.convergence_coefs = convergence_coefs
self.stumble_segments = stumble_segments
self.stumbling_force_threshold = stumbling_force_threshold
self.correction_vectors = correction_vectors
self.correction_rates = correction_rates
self.amplitude_range = amplitude_range
self.draw_corrections = draw_corrections
self.max_increment = max_increment * self.timestep
self.retraction_persistence_duration = retraction_persistence_duration * self.timestep
self.retraction_persistence_initiation_threshold = (
    retraction_persistence_initiation_threshold * self.timestep
self.retraction_persistence_counter = np.zeros(6)
# Define the joints that need to be inverted to
# mirror actions from left to right
self.right_leg_inversion = [1, -1, -1, 1, -1, 1, 1]


Next, we need to override the action space of NeuroMechFly. This is done by defining a new Gym space object. Gym provides an interface for various space types. An non-exhaustive list includes Box for a possibly-bounded box in \(\mathbb{R}^n\), Discrete for a finite set of options, Text for text, and various composite spaces such as Dict, Tuple, Sequence, Graph. Here, we will define the descending space as a Box space. We won’t change the observation space definition since we will return NeuroMechFly’s observation as is:


# Define action and observation spaces
self.action_space = spaces.Box(*amplitude_range, shape=(2,))


Then, we will initialize the CPG network that we defined in the CPG tutorial:


# Initialize CPG network
self.cpg_network = CPGNetwork(
self.cpg_network.reset(init_phases, init_magnitudes)


We will then initialize variables tracking the amount of retraction and stumbling correction as we did in the hybrid controller tutorial:


# Initialize variables tracking the correction amount
self.retraction_correction = np.zeros(6)
self.stumbling_correction = np.zeros(6)


Finally, we will find the contact sensors for stumbling detection as we did before. This time, we define it as a method of our new class:

def _find_stumbling_sensor_indices(self):
     """Find the indices of the sensors that are used for stumbling detection."""
     stumbling_sensors = {leg: [] for leg in self.preprogrammed_steps.legs}
     for i, sensor_name in enumerate(self.fly.contact_sensor_placements):
         leg = sensor_name.split("/")[1][:2]  # sensor_name: e.g. "Animat/LFTarsus1"
         segment = sensor_name.split("/")[1][2:]
         if segment in self.stumble_segments:
     stumbling_sensors = {k: np.array(v) for k, v in stumbling_sensors.items()}
     if any(
         v.size != len(self.stumble_segments) for v in stumbling_sensors.values()
         raise RuntimeError(
             "Contact detection must be enabled for all tibia, tarsus1, and tarsus2 "
             "segments for stumbling detection."
     return stumbling_sensors

… and we can all it in __init__. This concludes the definition of our __init__ method:


# Find stumbling sensors
self.stumbling_sensors = self._find_stumbling_sensor_indices()

Next, we shall define the reset method of our HybridTurningController class. This involves resetting the underlying NeuroMechFly simulation — as before, we will call super().reset(...) to drop in the reset method of the parent class. Then, we will reset the CPG network and the stumbling amounts. Note that the **kwargs argument is required to fully comply with the Gym API. In general, this gives the user more flexibility to pass additional arguments when initializing the Gym environment.

def reset(self, seed=None, init_phases=None, init_magnitudes=None, **kwargs):
    obs, info = super().reset(seed=seed)
    self.cpg_network.random_state = np.random.RandomState(seed)
    self.cpg_network.reset(init_phases, init_magnitudes)
    self.retraction_correction = np.zeros(6)
    self.stumbling_correction = np.zeros(6)
    return obs, info

Now, we are ready to implement the most important step method. We start by updating the intrinsic amplitudes and frequencies of the CPGs as formulated above:

def step(self, action):
    """Step the simulation forward one timestep.

    action : np.ndarray
        Array of shape (2,) containing descending signal encoding
    # update CPG parameters
    amps = np.repeat(np.abs(action[:, np.newaxis]), 3, axis=1).ravel()
    freqs = self.intrinsic_freqs.copy()
    freqs[:3] *= 1 if action[0] > 0 else -1
    freqs[3:] *= 1 if action[1] > 0 else -1
    self.cpg_network.intrinsic_amps = amps
    self.cpg_network.intrinsic_freqs = freqs

We will once again use super() to call the get_observation method of the parent NeuroMechFly class:


# get current observation
obs = super().get_observation()


Next, we check whether the condition is met for the retraction of any leg. To do this, we define a helper method:

def _retraction_rule_find_leg(self, obs):
    """Returns the index of the leg that needs to be retracted, or None
    if none applies.
    Retraction can be due to the activation of a rule or persistence.
    Every time the rule is active the persistence counter is set to 1. At every step the persistence
    counter is incremented. If the rule is still active it is again reset to 1 otherwise, it will
    be incremented until it reaches the persistence duration. At this point the persistence counter
    is reset to 0."""
    end_effector_z_pos = obs["fly"][0][2] - obs["end_effectors"][:, 2]
    end_effector_z_pos_sorted_idx = np.argsort(end_effector_z_pos)
    end_effector_z_pos_sorted = end_effector_z_pos[end_effector_z_pos_sorted_idx]
    if end_effector_z_pos_sorted[-1] > end_effector_z_pos_sorted[-3] + 0.05:
        leg_to_correct_retraction = end_effector_z_pos_sorted_idx[-1]
        if (
            > self.retraction_persistence_initiation_threshold
            self.retraction_persistence_counter[leg_to_correct_retraction] = 1
        leg_to_correct_retraction = None
    return leg_to_correct_retraction

… and call it in the step method:


# Retraction rule: is any leg stuck in a gap and needing to be retracted?
leg_to_correct_retraction = self._retraction_rule_find_leg(obs)


Next, we can step the CPG:




Then, we write a loop to go through each of the legs. In this loop, we update the correction amount for both the retraction rule and the stumbling rule. As before, we assign the retraction rule priority. We then calculate the target joint angles using the preprogrammed step class and decide whether adhesion should be turned off for swinging:

joints_angles = []
adhesion_onoff = []

for i, leg in enumerate(preprogrammed_steps.legs):
    # update amount of retraction correction
    if (
        i == leg_to_correct_retraction or retraction_persistence_counter[i] > 0
    ):  # lift leg
        increment = correction_rates["retraction"][0] * sim.timestep
        retraction_correction[i] += increment
        sim.fly.change_segment_color(sim.physics, f"{leg}Tibia", (1, 0, 0, 1))
    else:  # condition no longer met, lower leg
        decrement = correction_rates["retraction"][1] * sim.timestep
        retraction_correction[i] = max(0, retraction_correction[i] - decrement)
            sim.physics, f"{leg}Tibia", (0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1)

    # update amount of stumbling correction
    contact_forces = obs["contact_forces"][stumbling_sensors[leg], :]
    fly_orientation = obs["fly_orientation"]
    # force projection should be negative if against fly orientation
    force_proj = np.dot(contact_forces, fly_orientation)
    if (force_proj < stumbling_force_threshold).any():
        increment = correction_rates["stumbling"][0] * sim.timestep
        stumbling_correction[i] += increment
        sim.fly.change_segment_color(sim.physics, f"{leg}Femur", (1, 0, 0, 1))
        decrement = correction_rates["stumbling"][1] * sim.timestep
        stumbling_correction[i] = max(0, stumbling_correction[i] - decrement)
        if retraction_correction[i] <= 0:
                sim.physics, f"{leg}Femur", (0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1)

    # retraction correction is prioritized
    if retraction_correction[i] > 0:
        net_correction = retraction_correction[i]
        stumbling_correction[i] = 0
        net_correction = stumbling_correction[i]

    # get target angles from CPGs and apply correction
    my_joints_angles = preprogrammed_steps.get_joint_angles(
        leg, cpg_network.curr_phases[i], cpg_network.curr_magnitudes[i]
    net_correction = np.clip(net_correction, 0, max_increment*sim.timestep)
    if leg[0] == "R":
        net_correction *= right_leg_inversion[i]

    net_correction *= step_phase_multiplier[leg](
        cpg_network.curr_phases[i] % (2 * np.pi)

    my_joints_angles += net_correction * correction_vectors[leg[1]]

    # get adhesion on/off signal
    my_adhesion_onoff = preprogrammed_steps.get_adhesion_onoff(
        leg, cpg_network.curr_phases[i]

    all_net_corrections[i] = net_correction



This requires three helper methods:

def _stumbling_rule_check_condition(self, obs, leg):
    """Return True if the leg is stumbling, False otherwise."""
    # update stumbling correction amounts
    contact_forces = obs["contact_forces"][self.stumbling_sensors[leg], :]
    fly_orientation = obs["fly_orientation"]
    # force projection should be negative if against fly orientation
    force_proj = np.dot(contact_forces, fly_orientation)
    return (force_proj < self.stumbling_force_threshold).any()

def _get_net_correction(self, retraction_correction, stumbling_correction):
    """Retraction correction has priority."""
    if retraction_correction > 0:
        return retraction_correction, True
    return stumbling_correction, False

def _update_correction_amount(
    self, condition, curr_amount, correction_rates, viz_segment
    """Update correction amount and color code leg segment.

    condition : bool
        Whether the correction condition is met.
    curr_amount : float
        Current correction amount.
    correction_rates : tuple[float, float]
        Correction rates for increment and decrement.
    viz_segment : str
        Name of the segment to color code. If None, no color coding is

        Updated correction amount.
    if condition:  # lift leg
        increment = correction_rates[0] * self.timestep
        new_amount = curr_amount + increment
        color = (1, 0, 0, 1)
    else:  # condition no longer met, lower leg
        decrement = correction_rates[1] * self.timestep
        new_amount = max(0, curr_amount - decrement)
        color = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1)
    if viz_segment is not None:
        self.fly.change_segment_color(self.physics, viz_segment, color)
    return new_amount, condition

Finally, we build the action dictionary (recall from our discussion on Gym spaces above — this is a composite Dict space) and call the step method of the parent NeuroMechFly class using it. This concludes the definition of our step method.


action = {
    "joints": np.array(np.concatenate(joints_angles)),
    "adhesion": np.array(adhesion_onoff).astype(int),
return super().step(action)

Let’s import this class and instantiate it:

from flygym.examples.locomotion import HybridTurningController
from flygym import Fly, Camera

run_time = 1
timestep = 1e-4
contact_sensor_placements = [
    for leg in ["LF", "LM", "LH", "RF", "RM", "RH"]
    for segment in ["Tibia", "Tarsus1", "Tarsus2", "Tarsus3", "Tarsus4", "Tarsus5"]

fly = Fly(
    spawn_pos=(0, 0, 0.2),

cam = Camera(

nmf = HybridTurningController(

In fact, we can use Gymnasium’s env_checker utility to check if our HybridTurningController class fully complies with the Gym API. To do this, env_checker will reset our environment a few times with random parameters and step it with random actions. It will then check if the observations are as specified in the observation space definition. If no exception is raised, we are in good shape.

.../gymnasium/utils/env_checker.py:247: UserWarning: WARN: For Box action spaces, we recommend using a symmetric and normalized space (range=[-1, 1] or [0, 1]). See https://stable-baselines3.readthedocs.io/en/master/guide/rl_tips.html for more information.
.../gymnasium/utils/env_checker.py:225: UserWarning: WARN: A Box observation space minimum value is -infinity. This is probably too low.
.../gymnasium/utils/env_checker.py:229: UserWarning: WARN: A Box observation space maximum value is -infinity. This is probably too high.
000/gymnasium/utils/env_checker.py:321: UserWarning: WARN: Not able to test alternative render modes due to the environment not having a spec. Try instantialising the environment through gymnasium.make

Let’s run the simulation, applying a steady [1.2, 0.2] turn throughout. We will also record the magnitude of the CPGs over time.

magnitude_hist = []
obs, info = nmf.reset(seed=0)
for i in trange(int(run_time / nmf.timestep)):
    curr_time = i * nmf.timestep
    action = np.array([1.2, 0.2])
    obs, reward, terminated, truncated, info = nmf.step(action)
100%|██████████| 10000/10000 [00:28<00:00, 356.59it/s]

Let’s visualize the time series of the CPG magnitudes. As expected, three CPGs converge to a faster step while the others converge to a smaller one.

from pathlib import Path

output_dir = Path("./outputs/turning_controller")
output_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

t = np.arange(0, run_time, nmf.timestep)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(4, 3), tight_layout=True)
for ts in np.array(magnitude_hist).T:
    ax.plot(t, ts)
ax.set_xlabel("Time (s)")
ax.set_ylabel("CPG magnitude")
fig.savefig(output_dir / "turning_cpg_magnitude.png")

Finally, let’s take a look at the video:

cam.save_video(output_dir / "hybrid_turning.mp4")